Wishing everyone a healthy and compassionate 2015
No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. - Aesop
In this edition...
Health |
Video: Interview with Dr. Dean Ornish at the World Economic Forum |
Milk does not do a body good - massive new study |
Diet high in whole grains reduces mortality |
Red meat triggers toxic immune reaction which causes cancer, scientists find |
Environment and World Hunger |
New report: Why are environmentalists ignoring meat and dairy contributions to climate change? |
Food diversity under siege from global warming, UN says |
U.S. Congress to nutritionists: Don't talk about the environment |
Lifestyles and Trends |
VegNews 'Person of the Year' is a pig |
8 practical reasons it isn't hard to eat vegan |
Vegan ice cream shop opens in New York City |
From New Zealand to Canada, veganism is taking the world by storm |
Ditching in droves: Why Canadians are dropping milk |
Former meat-eating celebrity chef 'feels better' on a plant-based diet |
Animal Issues and Advocacy |
10 resolutions that can help animals |
Video: Australian man speaks after a year of silence in support of animals |
Think your milk and eggs are 'organic'? These photos will make you think again. |
Supertrawlers to be banned permanently from Australian waters |
45 ex-battery hens in Spain get their own photoshoot |
The 10 biggest wins of 2014 for animals |
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(Excerpts are included from current news stories. Click on the "Full story" link to read the full article.)
Video: Interview with Dr. Dean Ornish at the World Economic Forum
Video source: World Economic Forum
A conversation with Dean Ornish, physician and founder of the Preventive Medicine Research Institute, interviewed by Nancy Gibbs, Managing Editor (Editor-In-Chief) of TIME Magazine, on how lifestyle changes can prevent and reverse chronic disease. [Enlightening and highly recommended!]
Watch video... |
World Economic Forum - January 23
Milk does not do a body good - massive new study
Full story: Telegraph, UK
A large study [conducted over a 20 year period] coming from researchers at the Uppsala University in Sweden found that drinking milk led to an increased mortality rate and actually made bones more prone to fracturing, not less. The study was recently published in the peer reviewed British Medical Journal, and was specifically conducted to examine whether high milk consumption is associated with mortality and fractures in both men and women.
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Telegraph, UK - October 29
Diet high in whole grains reduces mortality
Full story: Los Angeles Times
Despite the popularity of such grain-eschewing diets as the Paleo and the gluten-free craze, a new study has found that people who eat a whole grain-rich diet live longer. In fact, eating more whole grains may decrease people's risk of death by up to 15 per cent, particularly from heart disease, according to a large [over 117,000 men and women] new long-term [about 25 years] study from the Harvard School of Public Health... swapping out one serving of red meat for whole grains lowered that risk by a whopping 20 per cent.
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Los Angeles Times - January 5
Red meat triggers toxic immune reaction which causes cancer, scientists find
Full story: Telegraph, UK
Red meat has been linked to cancer for decades, with research suggesting that eating large amounts of pork, beef or lamb raises the risk of deadly tumours. But for the first time scientists think they know what is causing the effect. The body, it seems, views red meat as a foreign invader and sparks a toxic immune response. ['White' meat has its problems too.]
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Telegraph, UK - December 29
Environment and World Hunger
New report: Why are environmentalists ignoring meat and dairy contributions to climate change?
Full story: Quartz
According to a new report released by the London-based think tank Chatham House, livestock production accounts for more direct greenhouse gas emissions overall than all transportation combined. The problem is that people seem willing to ignore the damage that meat-eating does, even as they try to find greener ways to travel. The report says that governments and environmental groups hesitate to put the issue of animal product consumption on their agendas, partly due to fear of backlash from private sector producers and consumers. What's more, they write, states support the meat industry directly by subsidizing its producers. [The report is easy to read and highly recommended.]
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Food diversity under siege from global warming, UN says
Full story: Reuters
Climate change threatens the genetic diversity of the world's food supply, and saving crops and animals at risk will be crucial for preserving yields and adapting to wild weather patterns, a new UN policy paper says.
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U.S. Congress to nutritionists: Don't talk about the environment
Full story: NPR
A government-appointed group of top nutrition experts, assigned to lay the scientific groundwork for a new version of the nation's dietary guidelines, decided earlier this year to collect data on the environmental implication of different food choices. Congress now has slapped them down.
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Lifestyles and Trends
VegNews 'Person of the Year' is a pig
Full story: VegNews
Each year VegNews Magazine chooses a Person of the Year who best embodies the spirit and aspirations of veganism; the individual who, over the last year, had the largest impact toward promoting the ideals and benefits of a cruelty-free lifestyle. In 2014 no one loomed larger (figuratively or literally!) than Esther the Wonder Pig, reaching millions of people around the world with her charisma and smile while changing hearts and minds about the beings we eat.
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8 practical reasons it isn't hard to eat vegan
Full story: One Green Planet
In many ways, plant-based living is practical. 1. It's cheap; 2.It's green...
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One Green Planet - January 7
Vegan ice cream shop opens in New York City
Full story: Well and Good
DF Mavens just opened in the East Village, and it's New York City's biggest vegan ice cream shop yet, with all kinds of creative flavors, a juice bar, and other treats for the meat- and dairy-averse. Ice creams at the shop are made with a variety of "milk" bases-soy, coconut, and almond-which makes the flavors range in texture.
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Well and Good - January 12
From New Zealand to Canada, veganism is taking the world by storm
Full story: MFA Blog
The number of vegans in New Zealand is skyrocketing, and according to a recent New Zealand Herald article, the increase is fueled by a motivation to help prevent disease, environmental degradation, and animal suffering on factory farms. Here are eight other countries that are ditching meat and embracing delicious plant-based foods...
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Ditching in droves: Why Canadians are dropping milk
Full story: Huffington Post, Canada
The two age demographics to see the greatest decline in milk drinking in a recent Canadian survey? Middle-aged empty nesters, who reported almost completely dropping milk, and families with children under the age of 12, who comprised a surprising one-quarter of the decline. The reason? A revealing 10 per cent of non-milk drinkers stated they had gone vegan. Eight per cent said they no longer wanted to support an industry whose practices they regarded as cruel.
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Huffington Post, Canada - December 15
Former meat-eating celebrity chef 'feels better' on a plant-based diet
Full story: The Raw Food World
Danny Boome is a skillful chef and a TV personality raised in England. He now hosts a new show called Good Food America. Before Boome began filming for Good Food America, he was following a Paleo diet and ate meat up to 3 to 4 times daily. During his travels, and getting to know some of the healthiest and must sustainable culinary operations, he was inspired to make the change into a plant-based lifestyle. The change was for the better as he says, "I felt lighter and had more energy and I also haven't been as seasonally ill, nor does my arthritis bother me anymore. It's the first food journey I've actually lost weight on!"
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The Raw Food World - December 16
Animal Issues and Advocacy
10 resolutions that can help animals
Full story: Care2
The New Year is the perfect time to adopt a resolution that will help animals. Whether you want to pledge to go veg or cleanup for wildlife, here are a whole host of awesome ideas and advice to help you achieve your goals...
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Video: Australian man speaks after a year of silence in support of animals
Video source: Sunrise TV, Australia
On January 1st, 2014 Australian animal rights activist, James Aspey took a 365 day vow of silence to raise awareness for animals and to promote peace over violence. James recently appeared on an Australian TV station to speak for the first time in one year.
Watch video... |
Sunrise TV, Australia - January 13
Think your milk and eggs are 'organic'? These photos will make you think again.
Full story: Washington Post
Cornucopia Institute, an agricultural watchdog group [in the U.S.] has taken aerial photos of 14 large-scale organic farms - five dairies and nine chicken operations that supply well-known store brands. Not surprisingly, the reality is less picturesque and more industrial than that advertising image. More importantly, according to the group, the aerials taken in May and June of this year show very few animals outside, even though organic rules require that animals be allowed daily free access to the outdoors.
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Supertrawlers to be banned permanently from Australian waters
Full story: Guardian, UK
Supertrawlers will be permanently banned from Australian waters, the federal government announced. The parliamentary secretary for agriculture, Richard Colbeck, said the government would stop vessels longer than 130m from fishing in Australian waters. "Supertrawlers are part of a global problem that has led to the devastation of the world's fisheries, marine life and local livelihoods, and we don't want that kind of fishing in Australia."
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Guardian, UK - December 24
45 ex-battery hens in Spain get their own photoshoot
Full story: Care2
When a truck carrying thousands of hens overturned on the way to the slaughterhouse, sanctuaries from all over Spain stepped forward to provide the survivors with a second chance at life. Once safe and sound at the sanctuary, we enlisted the help of our passionate supporters to find names for the whole flock and then we treated them to a photoshoot in celebration. When viewed en masse, it's easy to overlook the individuality of any being, but this project allowed us the opportunity to slow down and realize how important it is for us to take the time to see each of these animals for who they really are. Each one has a unique personality with their own distinct likes and dislikes, needs and wants.
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The 10 biggest wins of 2014 for animals
Full story: One Green Planet
It's a great time to take a look back at all of the amazing victories that animals won over the course of the year. It's been a fantastic year for animals! From bans on circuses and horse-drawn carriages to new criminal laws protecting animals from abuses, all of our hard work advocating for animals definitely paid off this year. Here's a closer look at ten of the very best victories of the year. Let's work to make 2015 an even better year for animals!
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One Green Planet - December 29
Whenever possible, stories are linked to the original source. Some sites may require registration, and/or not archive the stories. All links were active at the time of publication.
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