February 2014
Current Issue
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For as long as men massacre animals, they will kill each other. Indeed, he who sows the seeds of murder and pain cannot reap joy and love. - Pythagoras, 500 B.C.

In this edition...

  Vegan diets: Sorting Through the Nutritional Myths
  The facts: Eggs aren't healthy or safe
  Academy award nominee helps native Americans fight diabetes
  Curing leaky gut syndrome - Michael Klaper MD

  World's largest whale shark slaughterhouse uncovered in China
  The 5 worst foods for environmentalists to eat
  Canada to join other nations in fishing moratorium in the High Arctic
  The dishonesty of cheap food

Lifestyles and Trends
  Olympic silver medalist figure skater Meagan Duhamel on her vegan diet
  Alexey Voyevoda: Russia's vegan Olympian
  Push for no meat behind bars in Australia
  Denmark says animal rights trump religious freedom
  Why so many Israelis have gone vegan

Animal Issues and Advocacy
  Video: Freed cows jump for joy
  The startling intelligence of the common chicken
  Egg farmers caught lying about hens' lives
  Animal sentience: Empathetic elephants console each other like humans do
  Ontario farmers develop security squad against animal activists

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(Excerpts are included from current news stories. Click on the "Full story" link to read the full article.)

Vegan diets: Sorting Through the Nutritional Myths
Full story: Free From Harm

With investigations of cruel conditions on factory farms making headlines, and a growing body of research on the benefits of plant foods, vegan diets are looking good to many people. But, for most, it's an unusual way of eating that sits well outside of mainstream habits. It's no wonder that concerns and questions arise about diets that include only plant foods. Some of those concerns gain momentum from groups and books that draw from a body of myths that sound reasonable but are lacking in scientific credibility. #sthash.fAjpGyVa.8Hxv8cv5.dpuf   Read more...

Free From Harm - January 24

The facts: Eggs aren't healthy or safe
Full story: NutritionFacts.org

Freedom of Information Act documents reveal that the U.S. Department of Agriculture warned the egg industry that saying eggs are nutritious or safe may violate rules against false and misleading advertising. [See also.]   Read more...

NutritionFacts.org - February 17

Academy award nominee helps native Americans fight diabetes
Full story: PCRM

Graham Greene, who was nominated for the Academy Award for his role in Dances with Wolves, knows the toll diabetes takes on Native Americans. In the Physicians Committee's new ad, he tells viewers how to harness the power of their plates and reclaim their health by eating vegetables, fruits, legumes, and whole grains.   Read more...

PCRM - February 11

Curing leaky gut syndrome - Michael Klaper MD
Full story: VegSource

Just how important are your intestines when it comes to health? Research is showing increasingly that your gut dictates a great deal about your health. "Leaky Gut Syndrome" is responsible for a host of serious medical problems like arthritis and other autoimmune diseases. How do you get it? And more importantly, how do you avoid or heal it?   Read more...

VegSource - January 27

World's largest whale shark slaughterhouse uncovered in China
Full story: Ecologist

The world's biggest slaughterhouse for endangered whale sharks has been uncovered in southeast China, writes Sophie Morlin-Yron. It's products are being traded across the world in health and cosmetic products. The slaughterhouse is estimated to butcher over 600 Whale sharks - an internationally protected endangered species - every year.   Read more...

Ecologist - February 3

The 5 worst foods for environmentalists to eat
Full story: Sierra Club

Spoiler alert: Stop reading now if you can't live without Quarter Pounders, packaged pastries, or expensive sushi.   Read more...

Sierra Club - February 5

Canada to join other nations in fishing moratorium in the High Arctic
Full story: eCanada Now

It's time for a fishing moratorium in the High Arctic commercial fishing waters, according to Canada, which is fixing to join Denmark and the United States in the initiative. Climate change has taken hold in the Arctic meaning fishing can be done there again after 800,000 years of ice. However, leaders in these three nations don't want to harm the area so have ruled out commercial fishing.   Read more...

eCanada Now - February 24

The dishonesty of cheap food
Full story: Treehugger

For years, the food movement has driven home the message that cheap food doesn't include the true cost of its production. It doesn't pay for the environmental costs of petroleum-derived fertilizers or pesticides. It doesn't cover the health costs associated with a diet of fast food. There's another important cost that's not accounted for: the labor of the people who bring us our food. From the farm workers who pick your fruit to the teller at the burger joint drive-through.   Read more...

Treehugger - January 29
  Lifestyles and Trends    

Olympic silver medalist figure skater Meagan Duhamel on her vegan diet
Full story: Global News

I eat an entirely plant-based diet. I know the nutrients of almost everything I am putting into my body and I know what benefit I am getting as I eat it. I studied holistic nutrition and I am a certified holistic nutritionist. I believe in a whole-foods diet filled with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, ancient grains, proteins and healthy fatty acids. Green vegetables, chia seeds, hemp seeds, flax seeds, ancient grains, avocado, quinoa, tempeh, beans and fruits are a main source of fuel.   Read more...

Global News - February 12

Alexey Voyevoda: Russia's vegan Olympian
Full story: Peta UK

Russian athlete Alexey Voyevoda can boast that he's a champion on three fronts. As a professional arm wrestler, he's taken gold at the World Championships, and he's an Olympic bobsledding medallist who has just won gold for Russia at the Sochi Winter Olympics this year. In addition, as a vegan, he's a champion for animals! We asked him a few questions...   Read more...

Peta UK - February 18

Push for no meat behind bars in Australia
Full story: ABC, Australia

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has written to a number of jails around Australia requesting they stop feeding meat to inmates. The move by the animal rights group is inspired by Sheriff Joe Arpaio, in Arizona in the United States, who has done just that in order to save taxpayers' money.   Read more...

ABC, Australia - February 4

Denmark says animal rights trump religious freedom
Full story: Care2

Denmark is stirring up some controversy about whether animal rights should take precedence over religious freedom with a ban on kosher and halal slaughter.   Read more...

Care2 - February 21

Why so many Israelis have gone vegan
Full story: Green Prophet

There's a huge new movement in Israel. Not politics. Food. Specifically, veganism. Of a country totalling eight million people, an estimated 200,000 are now declared vegans. That's roughly 2.5 per cent of the population.   Read more...

Green Prophet - February 12
  Animal Issues and Advocacy    

Video: Freed cows jump for joy
Full story: YouTube

One farmer saw the decline in profits and decided to no longer run a dairy. But he also had had enough of animal cruelty. So rather than sending the cows to slaughter, he decided to let the cows live the rest of their lives in peace. The cows are literally jumping for joy! [Thanks to Meatout Mondays for sharing this.]   Read more...

YouTube - July 22

The startling intelligence of the common chicken
Full story: Scientific American

Chickens are smart, and they understand their world, which raises troubling questions about how they are treated on factory farms. Few people think about the chicken as intelligent, however. In recent years, though, scientists have learned that this bird can be deceptive and cunning, that it possesses communication skills on par with those of some primates and that it uses sophisticated signals to convey its intentions. When making decisions, the chicken takes into account its own prior experience and knowledge surrounding the situation. It can solve complex problems and empathizes with individuals that are in danger.   Read more...

Scientific American - January 22

Egg farmers caught lying about hens' lives
Full story: Care2

Eggs laid by happy hens, with space to frolic and lounge in the sun, are a more attractive buy for many shoppers than eggs from hens caged in factory farms. It's no wonder, then, that egg producers strive to give the appearance that their hens live the good life. Too often "appearance" is where the happy ends, as it did at Judy's Family Farm. The Animal Defense Fund sued Judy's and its owner, Steven Mahrt. It alleged that the hens Mahrt sold spent their lives in "modern, barren industrial sheds" with no outdoor access, nothing like what consumers were led to believe [by packaging]. Mahrt essentially admitted as much, saying that letting all egg-laying hens outside "doesn't happen. That doesn't happen anywhere."   Read more...

Care2 - February 19

Animal sentience: Empathetic elephants console each other like humans do
Full story: Sci News

A study led by Dr Joshua Plotnik from Mahidol University and the Think Elephants International has found that Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) console others who are in distress, using physical touches and vocalizations. [Video at the link.]   Read more...

Sci News - February 19

Ontario farmers develop security squad against animal activists
Full story: Toronto Sun

Ontario farmers are fighting back against animal rights activists by monitoring their activities online and developing their own security squad that can be called out at a moment's notice when protesters descend on a farm or meeting.   Read more...

Toronto Sun - February 18

More Animal Issues and Advocacy News:

Surfing pig catches waves, turns heads in Hawaii - hopefullly changes minds too - CBS News (February 14)

Video: The heartfelt hug that said it all - Chimp thanks Jane Goodall for rescue
Care2 (February 17)
Video: World's most contented cow
Free From Harm (January 28)
Why hate fur but love leather?
Care2 (February 19)
Blind cow makes a new friend at farm sanctuary - See video here

Also of interest:


June 27-30 - Taking Action for Animals - Humane Society of the United States, Washington, DC

July 2-6 - Vegetarian Summerfest - North American Vegetarian Society, Johnstown, PA

July 10-13 - Animal Rights National Conference - Farm Animal Rights Movement, Los Angeles, CA

Restaurant Recos

In Nice, France, near the old port, you will find great veggie food at the delightful Nice Life International Café & Meeting place, 15 Blvd Lech Walesa, that feels like a home away from home. Relax with a soy latte and dessert, a detox juice and soup, or indulge in the awesome multi-course weekend brunch. Tell Sophie Lana sent you!
Nice Life Café & Meeting place

In central Nice Le Speakeasy at 7 Rue Lamartine is a vegan restaurant with delicious meals. And wherever you are in the world, you can find veggie restaurants and great info on Happy Cow's newly updated website - their goal is to raise consciousness about food choices, and the impact those choices have on the planet and the lives of animals.
Happy Cow

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