In this edition...
Environment - Earth Day & Beyond |
Bolivia leads the way with new law that gives equal status for Mother Earth |
Recycling isn't the answer: To save the planet, eat plants |
Warming seas could push some fish species to limit: Study |
Insatiable appetites drive Madagascar's tortoises to extinction |
Health |
New study: Vegetarian diet may reduce risks for serious health problems |
Building strong bones the vegan way |
A healthy approach to obesity and diabetes |
Drug resistant bug plaguing the meat industry |
Study: High meat and dairy intake tied to risk of prostate cancer |
Lifestyles and Trends |
Back to beach season |
Bronson Alcott - American pioneer vegan |
EU: Cheap meat comes at a high price |
Veggie celebs: Heavyweight boxing champ Mike Tyson moves to the suburbs |
America's top 10 new sandwiches - veganized |
Animal Issues and Advocacy |
Fortune and responsibility |
The inside story of a raid to rescue battery hens |
The morality of mealtime |
Free-range meat isn't 'natural' |
Animal sentience: Chimp dances for joy to see foster mum - 30 years on |
Will new regulations silence Canada's animal charities? |
Books and Perspectives |
Book review: How globalization can (unexpectedly) save the planet |
A Q&A with Actor, Activist and Author Ed Begley, Jr. |
Are They Serious? Unfortunately Yes |
Genetically modified cows bred to make 'breast milk'
Of Note - Recipes, Blogs, Videos, More |
Don't forget to visit:
(Excerpts are included from current news stories. Click on the "Full story" link to read the full article.)
Environment - Earth Day & Beyond
Bolivia leads the way with new law that gives equal status for Mother Earth
Full story: Guardian, UK
Bolivia is set to pass the world's first laws granting all nature equal rights to humans. The Law of Mother Earth, now agreed by politicians and grassroots social groups, redefines the country's rich mineral deposits as "blessings" and is expected to lead to radical new conservation and social measures to reduce pollution and control industry. "It makes world history. Earth is the mother of all", said Vice-President Alvaro García Linera. "It establishes a new relationship between man and nature, the harmony of which must be preserved as a guarantee of its regeneration."
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Recycling isn't the answer: To save the planet, eat plants
Full story: The Atlantic
One-third of the world's greenhouse gas emissions are food-related. And study after study shows that some food products - meat and dairy products from ruminant animals (primarily cattle and lamb), highly processed foods derived from industrially grown grains, and air-freighted specialty foods - use a far greater percentage of resources than plant-based foods and whole grains, regardless of where those plant-based foods come from or who produces them. It's the very definition of "unsustainable." But the public is still focused on the symbols of waste dating from the earliest Earth Days - plastic bottles, fast food packaging, whether and what to recycle. But to have any sort of impact on climate change - and a host of other environmental and social concerns - we have to commit to some major changes in our diets. And none of those seems to be on the table yet.
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Warming seas could push some fish species to limit: Study
Full story: Reuters
Rapidly warming ocean temperatures in some parts of the world could be pushing some fish species to the limit, stunting their growth, increasing stress and raising the risk of death, a study shows. An Australian study, published in the journal Nature Climate Change, focused on the long-lived fish species called the banded morwong in the Tasman Sea, between Australia and New Zealand.
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Insatiable appetites drive Madagascar's tortoises to extinction
Full story: ENN
Despite being one of the most culturally significant and iconic species in Madagascar, the Radiated Tortoise is being catapulted to extinction because it is a source of food for local people and a highly-prized commodity for poachers. Surveys conducted in March by the Turtle Survival Alliance, The Orianne Society, and Nautilus Ecology showed that unsustainable harvesting, collection for the illegal pet trade, and habitat loss will continue to spell doom for this species unless a unified and holistic approach to ensure its survival is taken.
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More Environmental News:
Video: The impact of meat on climate Short, excellent summary - In Defense of Animals (April, 2010)
Ten studies on meat and global warming Green Muze (March, 2009)
Hundreds of whales face slaughter as Norway's killing season resumes As the annual and highly controversial Norwegian whale hunt begins, Joanna Toole with World Society for the Protection of Animals argues the evidence proving the practice is cruel, unnecessary and increasingly unpopular is now overwhelming. WSPA and Norwegian organisations [have] new evidence which demonstrates that public support for whaling in Norway is dwindling, that the Norwegian appetite for whale meat is at an all time low. [Video at the link.] - The Ecologist (April 1)
On the lighter side Grist Magazine invites you to confess your sins against mother earth and swear off your evil eco ways forever...
Ready to make a difference for your health and the planet?
Check out
Meatout Mondays from FARM
Take the Veggie Challenge from the Toronto Vegetarian Association
Request a free vegetarian starter kit from PETA
Find recipes and our very own going-veggie tips at VegE-News
Be inspired by the experiences of "Star McDougallers" - people changing their health
Get armed with the facts on the global warming/diet relationship with this extensive list of eco links from the International Vegetarian Union
New study: Vegetarian diet may reduce risks for serious health problems
Full story: Independent, UK
A new U.S. study suggests that vegetarians may be at significantly lower risk of developing a condition associated with heart disease, diabetes, and stroke than people who eat meat. Announced April 13, researchers found that vegetarians (those who eat meat of any kind less than once a month) experience a 36 per cent lower prevalence of metabolic syndrome, a precursor to heart disease, diabetes, and stroke, than non-vegetarians. To measure metabolic syndrome, researchers tested for five risk factors: high blood pressure, high HDL cholesterol, high glucose levels, elevated triglycerides, and an unhealthy waist circumference. The benefits of the herbivore diet also held up when adjusted for factors such as age, smoking, alcohol consumption, and physical activity.
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Independent, UK - April 16
Building strong bones the vegan way
Full story: One Green Planet
Our earliest ancestors didn't drink milk and didn't need to worry about calcium at all. Milk didn't appear in human diets until around 10,000 years ago, and even then it was common only in certain population groups. But anthropologists speculate that the diets of early humans were rich in calcium - with intakes higher than today's (recommended amounts) for this nutrient - because they dined on calcium-rich greens. Many of the wild greens they ate are lost to us now, but we still have a variety of calcium-rich veggies plus wonderful plant-based foods that are fortified with this nutrient. Calcium is only part of the story, of course. Strong bones depend on a variety of diet and lifestyle factors. By following a few guidelines it's easy to keep bones strong and healthy on a vegan diet.
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One Green Planet - March 17
A healthy approach to obesity and diabetes
Full story: Huffington Post
When [diabetic] Natala developed an infection in her right calf, doctors told her that part of her lower right leg might need to be amputated. But then a friend suggested that she consider a natural approach to her diabetes, and that she start to think of food as medicine. "I wanted to smash her," Natala admits. "How dare she suggest something so simple! Didn't she know that I had been to the best doctors, that I was on the best diet, that I was working out?" But Natala did take her friend's advice to heart, and decided to go on [a vegan diet]. "For the first three weeks," she says, "I felt as though I was ridding myself of much more than animal products. Food had a hold on me that I could not even conceptualize prior to those three weeks. I would sit in my car and cry outside of sub shops, just wanting a tuna melt." It was very rough, but Natala stayed with it and the results were nothing short of miraculous. In 30 days, she was off all insulin. [A short excerpt from an excellent article by John Robbins that looks at two very different approaches to the obesity epidemic.]
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Huffington Post - March 26
Drug resistant bug plaguing the meat industry
Full story:
It has been found that nearly half of the meat and poultry (47 per cent) sold in U.S. grocery stores is contaminated with Staphylococcus aureus ("Staph,") a bacteria linked to a wide range of human diseases, and this bacteria is resistant to at least three classes of antibiotics in more than half (52 per cent) of contaminated samples. This comes from a nationwide study by the Translational Genomics Research Institute published in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases. DNA testing suggested that the food animals themselves were the major source of contamination.
Read more... | - April 17
Study: High meat and dairy intake tied to risk of prostate cancer
Full story: Food Consumer
A new study [involving over 22,000 men] led by researchers of the United States National Cancer Institute suggests that high intake of meat and dairy products may increase risk of prostate cancer. The study released on March 9 2011 in the American Journal of Epidemiology found high levels of serum retinol, which is high in meat and dairy foods, were associated with increased risk of prostate cancer. Numerous studies have suggested that eating lots of fruits and vegetables has been associated with lower risk of prostate cancer.
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Lifestyles and Trends
Back to beach season
Full story: Vogue Magazine
We asked top trainers, nutritionists, and health experts for their best piece of advice to get ready for beach season... Kathy Freston, author of Veganist: Lose Weight, Get Healthy, Change the World - Go vegan! A vegan diet helps you to lose weight in several ways, but here's what I think is the most fascinating fact: Vegan food has a high thermic effect (calories burned as body heat during digestion), which amps up your metabolism. So when you eat food that is grown in the ground or on trees, you are literally stoking your metabolism. Of course, this doesn't translate if you are eating junk food - candy and chips can be vegan, but you won't see weight loss if you aren't making smart choices.
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Bronson Alcott - American pioneer vegan
Full story: VegSource - John Davis blog
Amos Bronson Alcott was an abolitionist vegan in a way that few today are emulating - in the 1830s he was taking a stand against human slavery in the USA. In some parts of the world human slavery is still very much with us of course, and I'd hope that modern day 'abolitionist vegans' are just as active in campaigning against that too. Bronson also argued for women's rights even, for a while at least, helping them in the kitchen. We know he had stopped eating meat by 1836, but it appears to have been during his visit to England in the summer of 1842 (age 42) that he became an 'ethical vegan' and expanded his anti-slavery views to include all non-human animals. The main reason we know so much about Bronson is because his daughter, Louisa May Alcott wrote a book called Little Women. Naturally everyone wanted to know about her childhood and she obliged by writing about that too - some of it distorted by later biographers into accusations of child-abuse by her father for not feeding her meat.
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VegSource - John Davis blog - March 22
EU: Cheap meat comes at a high price
Full story: New Statesman
Across Europe, a battle is being waged against an agenda that puts the rights of corporations ahead of human health and animal welfare. The local and national pressure against mega farms is raging against the case of getting big or getting out. A recent survey found that 50 per cent of consumers across the EU believe that pigs are "fairly well treated." The opposite is true. NGO, Compassion in World Farming, found out the reality during a spot check of Europe's farms. Their research showed that up to 75 per cent of EU pigs are subject to such horrendous conditions that their treatment is illegal even with the low threshold of EU regulations.
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Veggie celebs: Heavyweight boxing champ Mike Tyson moves to the suburbs
Full story: New York Times
The gold caps on his teeth are gone, as are the frenzied trappings of celebrity: the nonstop partying, the cars, the jewelry, the pet tiger, the liters of Cristal. Mike Tyson - who was once addicted, by his own account, "to everything" - now lives in what might be described as a controlled environment of his own making, a clean, well-lighted but very clearly demarcated place. The 44-year-old ex-heavyweight champion is in bed by 8 and often up as early as 2 in the morning. As part of his cleaning-up campaign, he has been adhering to a strict vegan diet for nearly two years, explaining that he doesn't want anything in him "that's going to enrage me - no processed food, no meat." He says that he can no longer abide the smell of meat even on someone's breath and has dropped 150 pounds since he weighed in at 330 in 2009.
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New York Times - March 20
America's top 10 new sandwiches - veganized
Full story: Endless Simmer
Our recent article on America's Top 10 New Sandwiches has caused quite a stir in the blogosphere, but no one was more riled up than a group of spunky vegan bloggers. Their de facto leader, Namely Marly, explains: We read this article with great curiosity but it didn't take long until the curiosity faded and was replaced with something else. OK. We were grossed out. Particularly at one sandwich that referred to an ingredient called suckling pig. We hoped this was a reference to something other than the obvious, but it appears it is exactly as it sounds... So they decided to demand their own respect, teaming together to create tasty and healthy versions of each cholesterol-laden entry on the list.. Here are all ten of 'em...
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Animal Issues and Advocacy
Fortune and responsibility
Full story: Vegan Outreach blogspot
I, like many of the readers of this blog, am incredibly fortunate. I don't have to worry about my personal freedom or fret about the well-being of my loved ones, let alone my next meal or having a roof over my head. This is, of course, in stark contrast to animals raised for food, whose lives, from their first moment, are agony - a horrible, painful struggle merely to stay alive ... until slaughter. Every day, I know that I am one of the relative handful of people who will provide these animals a voice. We, as thoughtful advocates, recognize that we have very limited time and resources. From time to time, various things can, of course, seem vitally important (or insulting) to us and our personal beliefs. But if we can put ourselves in the position of a broiler chicken with a broken leg, unable to reach water, it really isn't that difficult to gain perspective such that we focus not on intra-vegan squabbles, but rather on constructive, life-changing and life-saving outreach. [An as always thought-provoking reality check from Matt Ball, co-founder of Vegan Outreach. Also recommended, his lengthy but worthwhile essay on Activism & Veganism with a new vision for the future.]
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Vegan Outreach blogspot - April 18
The inside story of a raid to rescue battery hens
Full story: The Scavenger
Why do some people take the law into their own hands, shirking conformity and risking everything to liberate animals from abuse and torture? Longtime Animal Liberation Front activist Keith Mann [author of From Dusk Till Dawn: An Insider's View of the Animal Liberation Movement], who's spent several years in British jails, shares his account of a raid on a battery hen complex in the UK, offering an insight into the motivations of those who engage in illegal direct action. It's never a pleasant experience confronting cruelty, but as difficult as it is for some to deal with, the pain of trying is easier than doing nothing... One I waded through to was ninety per cent sunk with only her blinking eye to attract me, but she died in my arms. She was tiny and weighed nothing. I guess her dream came true and someone came to take her to the sunny farmyard she'd heard was pictured on the side of the egg boxes, but it was too much for her little body to cope with. It was the saddest thing I think has ever happened to me.
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The morality of mealtime
Full story: Time Magazine
Just how sustainable can the food movement be if it still celebrates meat eating, however humanely and carefully farm animals are treated? If anyone can answer that question, it's Gene Baur, the head of Farm Sanctuary. Baur, a vegan, is the conscience of the food movement. "I think our relationship with farm animals is fundamentally one of exploitation," Baur says. "It's about whether we respect them or not." To many foodies, the solution to the ills of factory farming is better meat production. For Baur, life on a sustainable organic farm is certainly better for a chicken or pig than a capital sentence on a CAFO, but in both cases the creature's fate is the same: an early death at the hand of the slaughterer. Most Americans have lived in a state of willful ignorance about where their food comes from and what it really costs. When the food movement succeeds, it can break down that ignorance - and then it's up to individuals to decide how that will affect their lives. And whatever you do, be aware of what you're eating and why.
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Free-range meat isn't 'natural'
Full story: The Atlantic
A case for why free-range animal agriculture resembles nature only as much as pornography resembles real sex... It's the strangest thing. Whenever I'm on a panel discussing meat production I seem to be strategically pitted against someone who produces meat through sustainable and more humane ("free range") methods. What's so strange is the response I get when I bring up the following conundrum: even if an animal is raised under favorable conditions, we still kill the creature for our benefit and, in so doing, confront a serious ethical dilemma nonetheless. It's at this point when the animal farmer addresses me with a condescending expression that says "Yes, James, life can be very harsh," doing everything but patting me on the head and giving me a lollipop. Then the really odd thing happens: the farmer stakes out a moral high ground on the basis that slaughtering animals is "natural." It's difficult to imagine any other issue where such a basic sense of right and wrong is so thoroughly perverted. Is there a viable explanation for this carnival of ethics?
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Animal sentience: Chimp dances for joy to see foster mum - 30 years on
Full story: Waikato Times, New Zealand
As a toddler Sally the chimp was always a bit of a handful - and 30 years later, when reunited with her human foster mother at Hamilton Zoo [New Zealand], her antics continued with a few handstands. Sally is one of the zoo's six chimpanzees, but had a rough start to life, being rejected by her mother soon after her birth at Auckland Zoo in the 1970s, which led the now 95-year-old Georgie Seccombe, the then head keeper's wife, to hand-raise the primate. Although it had been decades since the pair had seen each other, the recognition was obvious when Sally saw Mrs Seccombe. "She was up on a hill and I called out `hey Sal' and she came bounding down. They are really intelligent. Zoo primate keeper John Ray said chimpanzees were known for "incredible memory recall," which was obvious when Mrs Seccombe approached Sally at the zoo. "There is no doubt in my mind that she [Sally] recognised Georgie - it was actually quite overwhelming."
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Waikato Times, New Zealand - April 4
Will new regulations silence Canada's animal charities?
Full story: Care2
Proposed regulations put forward by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), The Promotion of Animal Welfare and Charitable Registration, could prevent animal welfare organizations from speaking about causes, or anything that's not already illegal, if they want to be a charity. Draft regulations state that "Promoting the welfare of animals is only charitable when it results in a benefit to humans. Purposes that benefit animals, but not humans, are not charitable." The gaping flaw in the CRA's argument, of course, is that it freezes - indeed, prevents - the evolution of the law. The law reflects the moral consensus of the community at a particular moment in time. When the consensus changes, the law must change as well. The law once decreed that women were chattels, slavery was fine, and petty theft warranted hanging. [Petition at the link.]
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Books and Perspectives
Book review: How globalization can (unexpectedly) save the planet
Full story: Toronto Star
Author Tim Flannery is buoyed by a new way of looking at the world and our role in it. He's spent the last five years researching and writing his latest book, Here on Earth: A Natural History of the Planet. In it, he challenges one of the keystones of our culture: Charles Darwin's idea of evolution, which paints nature as a war between species. Instead, he says, the key characteristic of nature is cooperation, or co-evolution, as species learn to adapt and benefit from one another. He borrows from James Lovelock's theory of Gaia - the earth as a living organism, with all parts contributing to the whole. Through globalization, he says, humans are forming a unified superspecies that - aided by technology like cellphones and Google Earth - can make and monitor its Earth-saving decisions. Reading Here on Earth feels like a trip to the store Courage My Love in Kensington Market [Toronto]- you never know what treasure awaits on the next page.
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A Q&A with Actor, Activist and Author Ed Begley, Jr.
Full story: E/The Environmental Magazine
Q: You've been involved in the environmental movement since the '70s. How did it start? A: It was several things. It was the first Earth Day in April 1970, and I wanted to get involved. I had grown up in Los Angeles and had really had it with the horrible, choking smog. My father, Ed Begley, Sr., had just passed away and I wanted to do something to honor him. Even though we didn't call him one, he was an environmentalist. He had lived through the Great Depression and had saved string and tin foil and turned out the lights. He had always told me: "Eddie, don't tell people what you are going to do, show them by doing it." So I started taking public transportation, riding my bike, walking, recycling, composting, using biodegradable soaps and detergents, eating a vegetarian diet and so on. I even bought an electric car. [Ed is author of Ed Begley, Jr.'s Guide to Sustainable Living.]
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E/The Environmental Magazine - March 1
Are They Serious? Unfortunately Yes
Genetically modified cows bred to make 'breast milk'
Full story: Ottawa Citizen
Scientists in China have created genetically modified cows that produce "human" milk. They successfully introduced human genes into 200 dairy cows to produce milk with the same properties as human breast milk. Human milk contains high quantities of nutrients that can help to boost the immune system of babies and reduce the risk of infections. Professor Ning Li, the scientist who led the research and director of the State Key Laboratories for Agro-Biotechnology at the China Agricultural University, insisted that the GM milk would be as safe to drink as milk from ordinary dairy cows. "The milk tastes stronger than normal milk," he said. "Within 10 years, people will be able to pick up these products at the supermarket."
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Of Note - Recipes, Blogs, Videos, More
What's for dinner?
This month: Vegan ‘Tofuevos Rancheros’ for our friend Carol who created Balamku Inn on the Beach, a wonderful eco-inn on the Mayan Riviera in Mexico - vegan breakfasts on request; top ten superfoods for spring (or fall for our 'downunder' readers) with yummy recipes; our own recipes and tips.
Vegan ‘Tofuevos Rancheros’
Top ten superfoods for the season
VegE-News recipes and tips
New journal for animals launched
This is exiting news - from their website: The Journal of Animal Ethics is the first named journal of animal ethics in the world. It is devoted to the exploration of progressive thought about animals. It is multidisciplinary in nature and international in scope. It covers theoretical and applied aspects of animal ethics - of interest to academics from the humanities and the sciences, as well as professionals working in the field of animal protection. The Journal is published by the University of Illinois Press in partnership with the Ferrater Mora Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics.
Journal of Animal Ethics
A meaningful mother's day gift
The precious bond between a mother and her child is like no other, but all too often farm animals never get to experience it. This Mother’s Day, honor the great love between moms and children of all species by sponsoring one of the rescued animals at Farm Sanctuary in your name or as a gift for a special mother in your life.
Adopt a farm animal
Third annual worldwide vegan bake sale
The third annual worldwide vegan bake sale that will take place April 23 through May 1, when groups from across the world will hold vegan bake sales. This year will be bigger and better than ever! Be part of a fun global event that helps people, animals, and the planet. You can raise money for your cause and promote delicious, cruelty-free food. Each participating group gets to choose its venue, what to sell, and how it uses the proceeds. Be sure to sign up on the site. will also help with funding if you want to give the food away rather than sell it!
Worldwide Vegan Bake Sale
Although not about anything veg, French Word-A-Day is an always entertaining, thought-provoking blog about life in Provence by American Kristin married to French wine grower Jean-Marc. This entry about organ donation is particularly heart-warming...
French Word-A-Day
Kelly Childs of Kindfood restaurant in Burlington, Ontario, Canada has a great blog, plus tons of excellent information about healthy vegan eating on the resto's website, which is a feast for the eyes.
Meatout Mondays has long been one our fave e-newsletters - short and sweet with a great recipe and a bit of news and inspiration each week.
Meatout Mondays
Pour nos lecteurs français - for our French readers - Meatout Mondays is now available in French Lundis Sans Viandes. thanks to Anouk de Winter, who lives in the south of France. Recognizing that the vegan movement is rather new in France, she began spreading the benefits of delicious plant-based eating with her vegan cooking website and blog Jardin Vegan where she posts her delicious recipes and food photos. You can check out her site and subscribe to Lundis Sans Viandes at the link below. We're also repeating a link from the last issue to the delightful Montreal site: penser avant d’ouvrir la bouche.
Jardin Vegan
penser avant d’ouvrir la bouche
Masters In Public Health has compiled a list of the "Top 25 Blogs to Help You Go Vegan" - just click below. It would be nice if they added VegE-News to their list!
More Than Meats the Eye: Top 25 Blogs to Help You Go Vegan
Video shorts (and longs)
 Two polar bears muse on the causes of global warming. Not new, but timely nonetheless.
Also this month:
A moving tribute to Ruby, an elephant at PAWS (Performing Animal Welfare Society) elephant sanctuary - a number of video links after the text. In memoriam to Ruby, the Gentle Matriarch of PAWS African Elephants
Former Pharma rep explains that the prescription drug industry doesn't want to cure you. "The industry has run amok," she says.
Prescription drug industry doesn't want to cure you
A heartwarming video of a cat and dolphin playing together.
Cat and dolphin share some play time
EarthSave's Meals For Health interviews a happy participant from week one of their ambitious project in Sacramento, California bringing the health benefits of a plant-based diet to food bank recipients.
EarthSave's Meals For Health - Week One
Farm Sanctuary's ducks and geese are delighted with their first swim after a long winter when their pond was frozen. Plus a video about the upcoming speaking tour of Gene Baur of Farm Sanctuary to celebrate 25 years of helping animals - you can invite him to your community.
Reel life at Farm Sanctuary - episode 7
Speaking tour
Last, but not least, Song-A-Day man Jonathan Mann, sings an upbeat duet with Ivory King, answering the typical vegan myths. Sing-along...
Song a day: Vegan myths debunked
Calls to action
Canada is in the midst of a federal election campaign and International Fund for Animal Welfare is asking for help to get animal cruelty on the political agenda.
Put animal cruelty on the Canadian election agenda
A contact from France is asking everyone to vote against the slaughter of stray dogs in Romania. The current president of Romania, when Mayor of Bucharest, ordered in 2001 municipal employees to kill stray dogs in the capitol by any means (including poison, shooting, beating) despite concerted efforts of Bridget Bardot to stop it. Now the president is planning to take this campaign country-wide. You are asked to vote "NU" at the link below to block the approval the government seeks from the public in order to kill more strays in Romania.
Humane Society International is asking for support of a federal buyout by Canada to end the seal hunt. A practical, simple, affordable and effective solution.
End the seal hunt with a federal buyout
Farm Sanctuary 25th Anniversary Galas, Cipriani, New York City, May 14 and September 24, Beverly Wilshire, Beverly Hills, CA
The year 2011 marks a quarter century of Farm Sanctuary's progress for farm animals. You are invited to the Farm Sanctuary Gala - an inspiring evening is planned with a three-course gourmet vegan dinner and a decadent dessert reception, an auction with beautiful farm animal art, and an awards ceremony with celebrity presenters. You can also contribute with an advertisement in the
Commemorative Gala Journal (closing April 27).
Farm Sanctuary Gala
13th International Vegan Festival, June 4 - 12, Spain
The Festival motto is 'A Whole World to Share' and the program will address all matters relating to vegan nutrition, its benefits and positive social and environmental impact, including the ethical, ecological, educational and scientific aspects of veganism, in stark contrast to the cruel, unsustainable model of animal food production and the health and environmental problems of the consumption and exploitation of animals. All that and Spain too!
International Vegan Festival
Taking Action for Animals Conference, July 15-18, Washington, DC
The TAFA conference is for veterans and newcomers alike who want to explore opportunities for making a difference for animals.
TAFA conference
VegSource Healthy Lifestyle Expo, October 14-16, California
The 10th annual Healthy Lifestyle Expo promises it will help you change your life! You can hear and meet in person some of the most renowned and influential figures in the plant-strong movement. There are general admission tickets available as well as reserved seats, for those who want to sit near the front.
Healthy Lifestyle Expo 2011
Vegan Campat Sthitaprajna Vegan Retreat, Karnataka, India, Dec 2011, Jan 2012 & Aug 2012
The Indian Vegan Society says that at Sthitaprajna one learns to live life in a state of constant happiness with good health and in harmony with nature using minimum resources. Sounds good!
Vegan camp in India
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